NCWP Board Meeting
Tue., Aug. 15, 2017 @ 6:30pm Westchester Municipal Building Community Room 7166 Manchester Avenue, Westchester, CA 90045
The Neighborhood Council ofPDR/Westchester/PlayaVista is holding an emergency meeting to debate a letter to our District 11 Councilmember Mike Bonin, condemning his Road Diet "pilot project” that’s choking local streets. There are plans to take away lanes on Lincoln and Sepulveda as well, so it is critical that we put on a "show of force" and make it clear where the majority stands. Wear orange to show your opposition, make a sign, and register to speak during the comment period. Please spread the word and come to the meeting. It starts at 6:30, but COME MUCH EARLIER TO MAKE SURE YOU GET IN! Doors will lock once the room reaches capacity, and we want your voice heard. YOUR ATTENDANCE IS VITAL.